[0:00:05] ... this week as the patriots. Get ready to take on any Dalton AJ green and the two and three Cincinnati Bengals. Ryan I think the theme one of the themes coming into this week is could ...
[0:03:47] ... AFC in the lower third of the NFL for that matter. Luck AJ green in the two wins that they have over the jets against derail Revis and over the Miami Dolphins AJ green hat over a 150 yards in each game. He has only a 144 yards to believe it is on nov fourteen catches in the three losses. Yes he's going to be a big focus I think this week for both the Bengals offense target I'm going to make me answer that he's big part of the ovens but also the Patriots defense to me. Wielded the patriot defense they sort of you know like to take away the job its biggest weapon and with the Bengals I assume that AJ green's imagine. A big game plans are shut him down so that sadly coming to Washington think. Not about her as talking about ...
[0:05:23] ... can. Spread it around and take some of the heat off of AJ green yet they're certainly better than their what their record shows and even what they're up and says hope little by this season ...